Have you ever heard of not shaving in November? This trend was started in the late 2000’s by some in order to raise funds for good causes. This year’s Quiz Bowl team has found their good cause: to raise money to help support the Arkansas Food Bank. Thankfully, some of our male teachers here at Sylvan Hills have agreed to participate in this challenge in order to raise money to help support others and raise awareness. The teachers who are participating this year are: Mr. Hannon, Mr. Harper, Mr. Havel, Mr. Janssen, Mr. Olberts, Mr. Pruitt, Mr. Scroggins, and Mr. Sisk.
Some teachers have done this before, and for some, it will be their first time. This event will be going on all of November and will end November 30th. Teachers who are competing have a donation cup that can be filled by students. The teacher with the most donations wins. Mr. Havel, who has participated in this challenge many times and has won in the past, reported “I’m so happy to support this cause. I feel good to walk around looking rough for men’s awareness month.”
December Updates: A total of $845 was raised for the Arkansas Food Bank. Mr. Havel’s classes raised the most: $370. Coach Olberts was voted as having the best beard.