This year we have our very own gardening club, run by Ms. Dunlap and Ms. Crick. This is Sylvan Hills High School’s second year of having a gardening club. The gardening club is responsible for keeping our school pretty on the outside, and for the beds of plants, flowers, and small trees located just out front of our school and the cafeteria. They are having a fundraiser here at the school to raise money to plant flowers in the empty planting beds outside of the cafeteria.
“We will be planting daylilies, mums, azaleas, and other shrubs that will provide color year around and hopefully bring pride to Bear Country,” Ms. Dunlap explains. “Once our funds are raised our club will be cleaning and planting this spring. One of our goals is to have ‘classes’ adopt a flower bed or area to monitor and keep trash and weed free. We will also use some of our money to help fund some educational trips to local nurseries to learn about how to care for our school plantings.”
If you’re interested in buying flowers, go to Mrs. Cricks room: building 12 room 119.
“Thanks to my co-sponsor, Ms. Crick, we are selling poinsettias!” Ms. Dunlap continues. “The Poinsettias are grown here in Arkansas. Each plant is $15.00. Plants are in a 6” gold foiled pot. Plants are 18” tall with 5-7 blooms on arrival.”
Ms. Dunlap reiterates, “[o]ur Poinsettia Fundraiser will pay for our new planting going in the courtyard in front of the cafeteria, raised beds, and gardens by the front office.Feel free to purchase from one of our garden club members, Ms. Crick or me! We need to sell 144 plants. Thank you so much for your support!