Tuesday night our very own Sylvan Hills Bears took on the Joe T. Robinson Senators at Robinson to open the basketball season. Our ending score with the girls was 36-52 and our boys 62-79. The tension and animosity last night was very high. Our Bears fought a good fight, put in so much hustle on the court, and most of all: never gave up.
Leading us in scoring for our boys was #13 PJ Davis with 22 points. #4 Deryeus Fowlkes added 16 points, #2 Devonte’ West scored 12 points. Andre’ West chipped in 11 points, and JJ Wise finished with 8 pts.
Leading us in scoring for our Lady Bears was #32 Kalaya Miller with 17 pts.
The boys and girls had immaculate defense and gave the Senators a hard time on the court. Our coaches did really great, as usual, motivating their players to do better after mistakes. Our Bears definitely listened and brought home big smiles as they secured their first victories for the season.