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Prestige Photography, a part of Lifetouch, takes senior pictures
Class of 2025, Senior pictures will be during the week of May 6th-10th in the Arena starting at 9am every day. Please look over the available time slots and sign up for 1 of them. Only sign up for 1 slot. You can register here:
You may also go to www.prestigeportraits.com to confirm your appointment and view other grad photos in preparation for your photo session.
Be sure to wear a strapless tank top for the Drape photos so that straps won’t be visible or a clean white shirt for the Tux photos.
You’ll have the opportunity to take Senior Casual pictures as well. No t-shirts with writing or logos, hats, or sunglasses that break dress code for the school or Pulaski County. Don’t forget your class ring, jersey, etc. This will be the only chance you have to get Senior Casuals taken. For the Fall picture day, photos will cover only graduation and drape/tux poses.
Congratulations class of 2025. Your senior journey has officially begun!